To view the 7 page QCAT decision please click on link below:
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v David Peter Hughes-Fischer.
Please revisit George's own statements in the compelling DVD below.


Just click on documents to view.

George's compelling statement was captured on DVD - not long after his assault. This DVD clearly shows George's fractured jaw. This DVD was presented to the relevant authorities. George died late November 2005. George was a life member of the Australian Labor Party.
On 2 June 2008 the Office of the Director for Public Prosecutions instructed that the 'Crown was discontinuing the prosecution based on the view that the Crown did not have any reasonable prospects of securing a successful conviction in this matter. The case was discontinued in the Brisbane Magistrate's Court on 4 June 2008'.
Full DVD has been made available below with permission of the owner. You may need to use Mozilla Firefox if you can't see the video in Internet Explorer.
I have provided this video i recorded as evidence of what happened to this grandfather that should have been cared for. Without this video no evidence would be available as the xrays was somehow lost. I feel that the justice system and the nursing home let this mans kids and grandkids down by having someone working that would do this to a senior citizen. You be the judge and post a comment so others may see.
ReplyDeleteI found it iteresting that only after the assult, did the diagnosis of dementia come up. I worked at eventide and know for a fact that prior to the assult there was no such diagnosis!!
ReplyDeleteI work at Eventide, and after asking questions of a casual RN who had also looked after George, I was told he could become very violent when you tried to put the mask on him.
ReplyDeleteTo the above post, If a resident becomes violent or restive to a nursing intervention, do not force the intervention, residents have a choice and in the administration of medication there are nursing rights, one of those is the right to refuse, you are obviously not a licensed nurse or one with common sense to write such an ignorant comment, and regardless, it is no excuse for assult...Remember your mentality may one day be looking after you...
ReplyDeleteIf you read my comment, you will see I have written what I was told by an RN, I do not have to be licensed to write, and it is not an ignorant comment.
ReplyDeleteNowhere in my comment have I suggested forcing an intervention upon any resident, if we want to talk about ignorance, lets start with your obvious lack of understanding of the English language as well as your inability to spell.
Wow You really have an attitude problem don't you. This is the Eventide Mentallity that is the problem. Listening to others gets us all into trouble, repeating it is a true sign of stupidity...Congratulations....your an idiot!!
ReplyDeleteAre yes, I do have an attitude problem....if pointing out that my statement never suggested using force when using interventions, as you so conveniently seemed to ignore.
ReplyDeleteAs for the RN I referred to, I have known her for many years, and have worked with her in at least two Units in Eventide...I do listen to those I was not just a comment passed to me from someone I do not know.
So does listening to Karen qualify YOU to be an IDIOT...or is that only reserved for those of us do not trust or agree with her.
I will say unless you saw with your own eyes this man being agresive, who are you to comment! I have heard many subjective comments around eventide but only trust what I see. Perhaps you should look closely at the vidio which clearly shows a bruised and broken jaw. What are your views on patient rights? Nurses have a code of ethics and I have never heard of a brocken jaw being ethicly acceptable. If you think this is justifiable by any means you are dispicable, this man was an elderly vulnerable client of QHealth and the system which you are a part of is still letting him down by excusing the RN at fault's behaviour. You are in fact insulting this dead mans memory, you should be ashamed of yourself. As a nurse, I worked with him and know that I never saw agressive behaviour from him. If this nurse did see agression, why was it never documented?
Calling people who comment 'moronic' will not be tolerated on this website. Form your own website if you want to be so rude and aggressive, but you will not it on SING's website.
ReplyDeleteI used that term because the person kept making comments inferring that I agree with forcing interventions onto residents.
ReplyDeleteThey are obviously just an IDIOT then.
I see that word is allowed as the comments at the top have used IDIOT and they haven't been removed.
Ok, so you are an eventide employee who by your own statement suggests that you did not work with this patient. You found it interesting enough to ask question from a Casual employee who may work in different areas all the time. As a person that does work with aggressive patient who hit, bite and swear there is no excuse to be lashing back at the patient. We are professional people and with that when aggressive situations peak we have the ability to walk away and approach the patient at a later time. This is why it is so important to document behaviours. The way you have written you comments suggest that because he is violent that the behaviour of hitting an elderly man was acceptable.... It is clearly not. I understand that this may not have been your intention but to an outsider this is how it has come across... So before you start calling people names and verbally abusing people due to you feeling unjustly challenged I suggest you make your comments clearer.
ReplyDeleteThank-you, RN Nurse
Where in my comments does it suggest that I agree with hitting an elderly patient?....please quote the appropriate sentence.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I asked the RN in the first place, was because I was I had worked a number of shifts with the male RN who was accused of punching George, and had found him to be a very nice man...I was curious to know if George was violent....could there be more to the incident than we have been presented with?....because we all know the press does not mind changing the facts to sensationalize a story and nor do some people.
As a matter of fact, I was punched two days ago...but I did not I do not agree with abuse of residents. I left the room and left the male resident in the care of the other two nurses I was working with, as he was responding better to them.
To the RN Nurse
ReplyDeleteI didn't start the name calling....someone else did.....I retaliated when I was congratulated on being an IDIOT.
Name calling whether it be in praise of or in accusation of an individual is bound to erupt like an undersea volcano of activities. The cult of personality is to say the least the culture that we deal with. The argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man" and not to the subject under discussion ought be addressed and posted in this instance in relation to verbalisations like idiot, drongo, !@#$%^& and if you see Kay tell her I want her like words.
ReplyDeleteWhistle-blower what is that?
To the opposing party they are the enemy since they act in opposition and seek to oppress the opinion of the whistle blower since they stand to lose kudos and credibility once the error of judgement is exposed.
From the viewpoint of the whistleblower they are the ones out on the limb and in doing so ought watch that they are not cutting off the branch that supports them.
How then to resolves instances of conflict between competing factions without resorting to terms of abuse then is the question.
Residents progress notes are altered and Xrays go missing, even whole files go missing.
ReplyDeleteHowever - Xray reports have the potential to be a legal document, therefore there would be a electronic copy on record.
It is the report that is recorded not the actual Xray.
If a resident has a history of being aggressive or violent this should be documented in the notes with an intervention in the care plan.
A behaviour chart should have been commenced to capture any changes in behaviour.
There should also be a record of where this has been reported to the resident's doctor.
There should also be a record of the clinical follow up by the RN or CN.
This constitutes an adverse event so there should also be an incident report logged in the reporting system with a log number.
If the resident has physically harmed the staff person there should be an incident form on this reported to the WHSO.
A risk strategy should then have been put in place to prevent further harm.
The intervention should be in the care plan and noted in handover and in the communication book.
This is why there is such an importance on correct and timely documentation.
I would like to know where are the Xray's? They are clearly visable in the video footage, so where in the world are they now? Any justice system should have seen that evidence was clearly lost and also should have/could have had the video reveiwed for evidence. Lets all get excited about the ageing process, we can work hard all our life to be beat up in a nursing home!! With no hope of being able to press criminal charges, and God knows at 95, no hope of retaliation. So it continues to sound even better when you count up that you can pee three times a day, because pads are too exspensive, have hot burning food shoveled down your throat because the food safety heating standards are more important than the act of eating, and if your lucky and its short staffed you might get cold food because lunch took an hour, a three minute shower, if you are lucky enough to have caring staff you may get your teeth brushed. As I found at work last week, when you have a ratio of 37:2, what do you expect. This all comes down to management and the funding...How old are you Anna Bligh? you better get your act together for lookling after our elderly. Bugger the new childrens hospital, we already have adequate paediatric general keep harping on about our aging now you need to put up or shut up.
ReplyDeleteWe need a police minister for Aged Care.
ReplyDeleteJust how many assaults and uninvestigated suspicious deaths are there?
Cold case could have a field day if they spoke to aged care staff.
No one deserves to live incarcerated in a facility, living each day in fear of who is rostered on.
Every bruise is painful, every skin tear is painful, every hoist transfer is painful, even being turned in bed is painful.
Imagine having fractures and disocations due to assault and no or inadequate pain relief.
This is why residents have shorter stays in aged care - they die of sheer hopelessness and fear.They will themselves to death.
It is the residents who shut up - they die.
Who is responsible?
Those people who do not take action when whistleblowers speak out.
If the suspicious death rate was as high in the new childrens hospital as it is in aged care - I am sure the Premier would have an enquiry.
ReplyDeletePrisioners have higher staff ratios than aged care.
Could we swap them over.
Let the aged care thugs who abuse and kill residents go to the jails and look after prisioners.
Let the jail wardens look after the residents.
They would feel more protected and cared for.
Better still have one of the pollies come in as an undercover resident/staff - it would be interesting to see how long they would last.
An undercover cop would be a start in the right direction.
I read this web site and cringe with fear.
ReplyDeleteI would rather take the death cruise and get pushed overboard for shark feed than go into an aged facility after reading this website.
I do now understand why residents take their lives while living in hell on earth.
Has any of the abuse of residents been reported to the respective doctors?
ReplyDeleteWhat is their view on this?
Could the AMA support nurses trying to bring about change for a safer life for these residents?
A doctor can only act on the information given to them.
They rely on the nursing assessment of the situation at the time and act on that information.
With so few RNs and so little clinical information available for doctors, I am amazed that they still visit aged facilities.
It would be hoped that should a doctor suspect that there is anything not quite right that he/she would investigate.
Nick D'Arcy - had he worked in aged care and King hit a resident, nothing would be done and he would not have the media bothering him.
ReplyDeleteI cannot beleive the different action taken following the same injury to George.
It seems the law is different once you are in care.
To the question about the Doctors:::
ReplyDeleteI have been on shift during a Doctors round at Eventide, interestingly enough the MO asked me who a particualr resident response was "you've been swiping her medicare card for four years now, you work it out!" The doctors just keep the scripts coming, and collect their income. Most MO's don't even read the documentation as they would not listen to a mere RN EEN or AIN. They document what suits the situation and the people who keep their contracts alive and paying (AKA QHealth). At the Nursing Home, you cannot have your private doctor, unless you can get to them yourself. You get a chioce of the Doc's that they offer you, or have allocated to that department. The worst thing is, if a resident complains to a doctor, it gets put down to "the resident has increased confusion" or "perhaps he has mets on his/her brain" there is always an excuse.
His daughter still works at Eventide? What happened, was she paid out by management? I hope this is not so. I worked with her when this happened. It is all secrets and lies. I thought better off this. What happened to your Dad??? We need to speak out. This will continue if we don't. Please help.
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to the male Registered Nurse who assaulted George? Is he still working in aged care? Probably. Many staff kmow what happened to George the night he died.
ReplyDeleteSING suggests that the numerous number of staff at Eventide Nursing Home, BRIGHTON who have information regarding the abuse/assault of the elderly and disabled residents in their care, have an obligation under the Aged Care Act to speak out.
ReplyDeleteMany staff are aware of the circumstances surrounding the cases listed on this website, but still have not come forward and reported these serious assaults.
I went to physic Jason who is very well known. I was in total shock and also very impressed when George came through. Thanking myself and Karen for all the Support and the video in which my husband made. George told us it was the in justice of it all and he was looking over us both. Cheryl
ReplyDeleteThis is the same Health care facility that we are discussing.They have one AIN there on the night shift. Where is the protection for the residents and most important for the staff? The management need to cut out the bureaucrats and have more hands on staff. Nothing changes with the Labour Party or QHealth.
ReplyDeleteAny alleged provocation is a minor defense to assault especially this very serious one
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry for the family.
I hope they catch the mongrol who did this to this poor innocent man .
may I suggest if the family gets no help from the alleged DPP prosecutors and or police who wont take action then take your own action dfor eg sue the palce personally .Most people don't know that you can do a private prosecution for these alleged assaults so go to a good Lawyer and do a private prosecution. I am curious did any one of these alleged assualts involve the family suing civil and also criminally for alleged injuries to their loved ones. ?
ReplyDeleteWorking as an agency nurse I am astounded at the number of assaults that happen between residents regardless of cognitive status. 99% are not reported by the operators, as required by law.Aged care is a dumping ground for the too hard basket mental health aged with known violent backgrounds including criminal backgrounds.The current trend to place a coded door on a facility calling it a locked unit and admitting all catgories,co-living residents in shared accommodation with known violent behaviours, including sexual assault behaviours with quietly dementing gentle male and female residents is a recipe for disaster.This is recent and trended practice totally based on financial gain for operators. Residents in these facilities live in fear and are at risk. Staff are at risk.There will be more asaults and deaths that are covered up as accidents with families never being truthfully informed.
ReplyDeleteFamilies are desperate for beds and the bonds charged by the more affluent operators place presure on placement decision making. For some there is no choice but to enter their loved one into these facilites where they trust that they will be safe. Safety cannot be guarenteed nor can operator honesty.
I have only started working in aged care 3 months ago. I can honestly say that every thing gets reported that should. Incident reports are written on all infections and skin teaArs etc. These are discussed at a weekly clinical meeting. Relatives are rang about all of the above and documented in the chart. I do not think that every aged care operator should be lumped into one basket - being money hungry. All the residence get lots of food and fluids etc. However you cannot force residence to eat and drink against their forcing them to eat. Maybe some of the relatives mentioned on this website do not understand that forcing food and fluid on a resident is assault. Also weight loss can be part of the disease process of aging. I feel sorry for the relatives who expect their relative to live forever.
ReplyDeleteyou said it, you have only worked in aged care for 3 months. This response to your post is a little down the track for you now, so I will ask you, do you still have the same opinion? Or have you relised that most reports actually fall off the bench and into the shredder. I can honestly say that when minor incidents have occured on my busy shifts that family isnt notified, its not the highest event on the list of priorities of care delivery. We know what assault is, read the above posts or are all the people on this site dreamers? However it is refreshing to see someone who believes in the system, stay passionate but for gods sake keep your eyes open, all is not as it seems.
To the person who has only worked in Aged Care for 3 months you are either blind or are working in the only facility that abides by it's standards.
ReplyDeleteMy dad has been in 2 facilties & although one was Ok..he was only there for a couple of months, the other was a disaster. He was fed meals that would not keep a 2 year old alive...we had to take food in every day....and as for your comment about 'feeling sorry for relatives who expect their relatives to live for ever', I don't know where you get that impression but get one thing straight: the elderly are not always pallative. Their bodies are simply wearing out with age. Do you think the same about a paraplegic? They may be immobile or have Alzheimers but they are still human beings and they have a right to quality of life. They have a right to some dignity and enough food & water. Like most staff who work in aged care you seem to think they would all be better off dead...and you know with staff looking after them who believe that...they probably are.
I am fully on your side Eventide nursing home Ebbtide house killed our father 76 years Nick Dapontes on 29 Aug 2011 . Nicks family visited Nick on sunday 28 Aug 2011 and found him a in diabetic coma. we asked nurse at Ebbtide to call ambulance and take Nick to emergencey. This was not done!! Nicks family then called their own Doctor who saw Nick sunday 28 Aug 2011 11 pm and said give Nick Actrapid fast acting insulin and get HIM to hospital NOW .This was not done as Ebbtide was out of stock for Actrapid fast acting Nick did not get his actrapid insulin and ALSO was not taken to hospital sunday 28 Aug 2011 !!. Nick was only taken to hospital MONDAY 29 AUG 2011 at 3PM BECAUSE NICKS FAMILY again DEMANDED NICK GO TO HOSPITAL URGENTLY . NICK DAPONTES DIED MONDAY 29 AUG 2011 AT 10 PM DUE TO EVENTIDE NURSING HOME EBBTIDE HOUSE NEGLIGENCE .
OMG that is a digusting story, however,I have seen it before with diabetics. How the hell does a facility the size of Eventide run out of such a simple pharmacy imprest item? And even so, get the wardsmen to skip down to the nearest QHealth facility and get some, isn't that what they are paid to do? I hope you take this all the way through the court system. Absolute negligance.I am indeed very sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI have seen it all before at Eventide abuse does happen you had not seen this web site or heard the stories, you need to continue to tell your story so people can stop putting their family members in this facility.
ReplyDeleteLets face it David Peter Hughes Fisher broke George's jaw and he didn't receive justice. George is still talking from the grave and he needs to be heard. Look at the best bit of evidence the video. Howard Cheryl
ReplyDeleteI am disgusted but not surprised by the fact that David Hughes-Fisher got away with assault of a vulnerable, elderly man who had Alzheimer's.
ReplyDeleteOur dear Elderly have no rights. NONE...believe me, once they are in a Nursing Home. My father went through pretty much the same experiences in a Government Nursing Home. His wife also died of Cancer which sent him into a spin. He was starved, dehydrated, neglected...broke his hip; was not taken to hospital; twice until we demanded it, denied basic human rights & all the while we were fighting for him...but were undermined by staff & the system. His story is also on this blog.
Let's face it...the Government will not do anything while they can get away with sweeping these abuses & assaults under the carpet. Good Nurses like Karen & Toni HOffman who do the right thing are ostracised & their courage & determination is not valued. Cruel nurses like Huges-Fischer always seem to keep their jobs & go on then to commit more horrendous acts. Until we all stand up & demand that our elderly be treated better than animals nothing will change. It's up to us people....STAND UP FOR OUR ELDERLY, OPEN YOUR EYES OR IT MAY BE YOU ONE DAY. The reason why it is so hard to get Nurses is because the good ones leave because they can't put up with what goes on. I know that because I have spoken to many decent Nurses who have said exactly that. They have to weigh up their own health & sanity against helping their patients in a system of continued mis-conduct.
The Dupontes family are them in person and make your own mind up. They were escorted by security staff on numerous occassions from TPCH for threatening staff.
ReplyDeleteTaking the word of such stupid people on face value without any attempt to find out the truth goes to show that Karen Smith is still only interested in sensationalism and not the truth.
Enrolled Nurse EVT
Enrolled Nurse EVT
ReplyDeleteAnonymity protects Eventide employees like yourself. My name has been out there in the public domain for some time and I stand by everything I post.
I suppose the importance of cases like GEORGE HADGKISS, NICK DAPONTES, ANTHONY STONE, MAUGHN MCCARTHY, EDNA WATTS, JAMES JENNER, MURIEL GARDNER AND MANY OTHERS is lost on someone who calls the whole of the DAPONTES family "CRAZY' or "STUPID PEOPLE".
I note that your comment does not even mention George, but perhaps there is too much truth on this website for you to handle.
I suppose the importance of other cases posted on this website is also lost on someone like yourself.
But as you have the privilege of anonymity - I only have your word for it that:
1 - You ever met the family
2 - You ever worked at TPCH
3 - You ever personally witnessed the family being escorted out of the facility on numerous occasions
Hearsay perhaps - not truth.
Anyone who worked/works at Eventide knows what type of treatment a family receives if they made a complaint.
Anyone who worked/works at Eventide knows what type of treatment a resident receives if they made a complaint.
Anyone who worked/works at Eventide knows what type of treatment an employee receives if they made a complaint.
Why didn't David Fisher get charged with murder? Did the family take this to the civil court? Looks like he got away with murder. The EN if you work at Eventide how could you know what happen at the Prince Charles Hospital. The video of George doesn't lie. Thank God For People like Karen! Keep your good work up!
ReplyDeleteThe reason I didn't mention George is because I know George's family and I know the heart ache YOUR site caused them! I also know that the video and newspaper clippings regarding George are on your site without their permission.
ReplyDeleteEnrolled Nurse EVT
Previous to my employment at EVT, I worked at TPCH and I have friends there.
ReplyDeleteEnrolled Nurse EVT
Enrolled Nurse EVT.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting statement. The truth: Two of George's daughters came to my home on the 5 April 2005 and were interviewed by a reporter from the Northside Chronicle named Torny Jensen. Quite easy to confirm. They were not coerced or forced to come to my home. Indeed they were happy to come. The photograph of George was given to me by one of those daughters on that day. Prior to that one of those daughters had contacted me on many occasions regarding my media contacts and could I help her. She had tried many media avenues with no success. This family member continued to contact me for some time - even up to the DPP decision. She always stated would not rest until her Father had received justice. An article titled 'PROBE AT EVENTIDE' duly appeared in the Northside Chronicle on the 13 April 2005. I quote:
The allegations come at a time when a former Eventide employee is involved in an unrelated court case following an incident which left an 86 year old resident with a broken jaw. Tina Houldsworth, the daughter of the resident, said the case had been adjourned seven times since assault charges were laid. Of course proof of this is available - unlike your accusations.
As for the newspaper article - they are in the public domain and can be accessed by anyone. As for the other document - it was sent to me by George's son-in-law and Daughter.
As for the DVD. Has it actually been viewed by you? One of George's daughter's is a narrator in this video. She was fully involved in the making of this video. The owners of the video also wanted to see justice for George.
So perhaps you should get your facts right before making derogatory comments on this credible website.
Enrolled Nurse EVT
ReplyDeletePrevious to your employment etc. Just as it reads - you have friends there. Hearsay from friends is not always the truth - is it?
I would be happy to meet with you at a place convenient to you and show you any proof that you require from my website.
Likewise: you can bring me proof of YOUR statements regarding the DAPONTES (CRAZY - STUPID PEOPLE)family.
But then - I doubt that will eventuate.
Nor is Hearsay from you always the truth is it?
ReplyDeleteIf you want proof about the Dapontes all you need to do is spend some time with them, but you won't do that will you because there is no glory for you in that is there?
I won't comment further on George except to say that one of your supporters lost a very good friend because of it.
ReplyDeleteEnrolled Nurse EVT
ReplyDeleteThe truth sometimes hurts. The supporter of myself you mention is the co-owner of the DVD. She was present, along with her husband when George Hadgkiss made his compelling statements. The supporter you mention is still very much a supporter of mine and the loss of a so-called friend was a price she is willing to pay to see justice for George.
Contrary to your beliefs - there are many credible supporters of SING's website.
Why bother looking at this website if you think that it's lies! You are as bad as the abuser that broke George's jaw. The daughter lost friends because of the path that the family took. It's so sad that you forget what this website is about.
ReplyDeleteJust because I am loyal to someone, I am now being accused of being a resident abuser! That really shows the mentality of the people who are running this site doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I came back to look at this site after a couple of years was to see if it had changed for the better....but as the above accusation hasn't
Once again an incorrect assumption. No one running this website made the comment to which you refer. People are entitled to comment even if it is to disagree. You appear to be fixated on the running of SING. I would suggest that readers viewing your derogatory comments are getting a very clear idea of your mentality. Your issue should be addressed to the anonymous person making the comment - not to denigrating
ReplyDeletethis website.
Settle down Anonymous. Abuse can be in many forms - you were not accused of physical assault causing bodily harm to a resident from what I have read here. Abuse can be of a financial nature, emotional nature, sexual nature and physical nature. I think your comments do have an emotional abuse undertone however. There is no need to discredit posts that appear on this website and take them out of context. If you do not support the purpose of this website don't read it. You need to look at the positives here even if you disagree with some of the content, this site provides staff to scared to speak out a forum free from reprisal to speak out, it gives family members affected by wrongdoing a place to speak and help with their grieving process (the anger and understanding)and a place for members of the public to see what goes on in these facilities that does not get the media attention that it should. I understand that issues like this get emotions running hot and so they should. Keep up the great work Karen.
Is it not also emotional abuse to the family of George to continue using George's story and displaying a video of George AGAINST his families wishes? Let's face it, without the story of George this site is nothing, so to all who come to this site, I ask you, if Karen and Cheryl are such caring people, why won't they grant George's family their wish of having his story taken off this site?
ReplyDeleteYou obviously do not read the many other abuse/neglect stories on this website. George is one of many. Your privilege of anonymity in this instance allows you to make statements without proof.
ReplyDeleteAnd NO it is not emotional abuse to bring these matters to the attention of the general public. The Public Interest is paramount. This website has the acronym SING - that is: SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN. In fact the family should be screaming from the rooftops about George's assault.
Aren't you concerned that the nurse who assaulted George Hadgkiss is still working in aged care and has never been disciplined?
Aren't you concerned that others on this website were abused , assaulted and neglected. Didn't you read the Network Ten footage regarding the sexual abuse of seven residents in Ebbtide House?
Didn't you read the article regarding EDNA WATTS and the hoist incident?
Didn't you see the photographs given to SING from the family of Anthony Stone?
Didn't you see the document written by the registered nurse admitting that she was mentally insane and was left in charge - at night - of the Flinders House mental health unit?
Haven't you worked it out that the evidence on this website comes from the general public and decent nurses concerned about the atrocious state of our aged care system?
Haven't you worked it out that others do not have to be a family member to be outraged at the treatment of the elderly - like George Hadgkiss?
I could go on - but I think I prove my point that George Hadgkiss is one of many on this website.
I have not yet read any posts from any family member identifying themselves on this site asking for the story to be stopped. And as Karen has stated above information has been forwarded to her from family members to her. I know both of the people you have named above and they are two very caring, diligent, advocating nurses that I have come across. They are both loyal people also and one could only be privileged to call them a friend. Maybe you should actually read some of the other stories posted here. Any person familiar with the content can see that this particular story is just one of many. It is just very close to the hearts of those who worked at the facility at the time it occurred. The family should be so lucky that so many people cared about George and continue to do so.
Nothing has changed at Eventide only the food menu same old story just another day. I have worked with the nurses in the prior post. They are very caring. One was bullied for supporting the residents. She left and has went on to a better place in the work force, where she is valued. One of the bullies is still in management to this day. As for George's family they should be supportive of this website and it's purpose.
ReplyDeleteA Supportive Employee at Eventide!
For anyone wanting to know the truth about my father George Hadgkiss.
ReplyDeleteMy father was never diagnosed with any form of Dementia.
The autopsy of my fathers brain was unremarkable.
To the best of knowledge, my father was not aggressive to the nursing staff. The nurses of Ebbtide House took excellent care of him and were very fond of him.
In Sep 2004 I found my father with a broken jaw and immediately asked him what had happened. My father said 'I was punched in the mouth and it is hurting'.He then identified the male nurse responsible.
My father always maintained that this is what happened up until his death in Nov 2005 from bronchopneumonia. My father was an honest man and he did not lie.
I rang the police and the male nurse was charged.
My 5 siblings and I then battled the court system maze until 19 May 2008. We were told the available evidence was not sufficient proof for criminal proceedings. The emotional and physical toll upon my family and I throughout this time was something I never want to experience again.
This website has not helped my family nor I with the negative comments and the disrespect of my deceased father. Yes, Karen, you did request a photograph of my father for your records, however, at what point in time did you seek my permission to post it on your website, making it available to the general public.
Cheryl and Howard. Yes I did narrate the DVD while you filmed it. Again at what point of time did you seek permission to post it on a public forum. It was made, as agreed, as evidence for the court case. Yes, you may claim ownership of the physical DVD, however, how can you possibly claim ownership of the contents. If you had known my father you would have known that he would not have condoned the anguish all of this has caused my family and I.
Yes Karen, in the beginning we did come to you for help, but I can honestly say you have caused us harm.
This is just one more chapter of this tragic nightmare that is out of our control. Anyone can say anything they like about my father, my family or I and I can do nothing about it.
I would love to know what HARM this website could possibly have inflicted on you or your family?
ReplyDeleteI could understand it if you were concerned with the results of the 7 page document released regarding the outcome of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia's findings against David Hughes-Fischer.
I could understand it if you were concerned with the decision of the DPP.
I could understand it if you were appalled at the amount of hours your Father waited for someone to realise that he had a broken jaw.
I could understand it if you and your family were appalled at the fact that there was little if any documentation written regarding this incident.
I could understand it if this website had posted documents that were false.
I could understand it if those from whom you and your sister requested help - refused your requests and did nothing.
I could understand it if other cases mentioned on this website were proved incorrect.
The truth is as close to your comment as it can be - except for the section regarding my request for a photograph. I disagree with your recollection. I also remember that the reporter mentioned also watched the DVD.
I do agree that:
Your Father was not a liar.
Evidence supports the claim that he did not suffer with dementia.
He was punched in the jaw - as per the DVD.
I note that at the time of our meeting in my home you and your sister's concern was certainly centered around your Father's assault. It was not however the only issue being dealt with at the time. Other serious matters regarding residents at Eventide were being investigated.
I also note that the people from whom you and your sister requested help for George have now become the enemy because you and you family have decided the matter is closed.
I need to advise you that the matter of elder abuse/neglect/assault will never be closed on this website. The public interest can only be served by websites like SING.
Where else can decent employees, abused residents and concerned family members go to have their voice heard?
Your attitude amazes me. You have denigrated those from whom your family requested support.
You have denigrated those who went out of their way to help ensure justice for your Father - and who are still doing so.
This attitude will not change the philosophy of SING. That is: SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN.
Howard wrote in 2009
ReplyDeleteI have provided this video i recorded as evidence of what happened to this grandfather that should have been cared for. Without this video no evidence would be available as the xrays was somehow lost. I feel that the justice system and the nursing home let this mans kids and grandkids down by having someone working that would do this to a senior citizen. You be the judge and post a comment so others may see: Howard 2009
This Comment was made by Howard the person who filmed the video of George for evidence and good on them for putting it on here to try to get people to know what really happend to George Hadgkiss the more people know the better and thats it the family were let down by the justice & health departments
this whole thing that happened was one of the most horenece coverups staged by the mongrels that are supposed to help people the Health & Justice departments the people who coverd everything up from start to finish might as well of been sitting behind the defendent cheering him on. in this case it is alot more than poor George being hit by the Nurse this is about the whole systym is so corrupt why earth was a man with a smashed jaw taken to the hospital in a taxi this whole saga makes you sick and as far as the video being put out here or anywhere everybody should see what happend to George good on them and good on you Karen for trying to get the message out to stop abuse to our edlerly and in this case stop corruption by all departments that handled the case great website SING and keep up the good work, Thanks Regards Dan Houldsworth Georges son inlaw.
Thank you Dan for your support and kind words of encouragement. I agree that this travesty of justice should be out in the public domain for all the world to see and that the message needs to be heard. SING intends to keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI have received some very nasty and personal comments today regarding myself and others mentioned on this website. They are not fit to be published.
To have someone like yourself (who is fully informed of the atrocity committed against George Hadgkiss) support SING is very inspiring and appreciated.
Thanks Dan for your support I only did this to help the family have evidence just in case anything got lost after the incident. I believe some evidence did get lost. I also supported the family by going to court and saw the man that did this to George. I am a honest and caring person and having lost my parents around the same time I would have hated it if something like this had happened to them. I see things on this website and TV with our elderly that is unbelievable. Howard
ReplyDeleteSo true Dan. The things that go on are horrendous. A taxi to the hospital. An ambulance transfer would have been more appropriate I feel. And i feel that the police should have been the ones videoing a statement, but eh, thank god Howard did that considering the promptness of Eventide to notify authorities. I remember at the debrief meeting held at Ebbtide house that was conducted by the DON at the time, Veronica Casey, and when I asked why the police were not called immediately the only response I got was something like we are not sure of what exactly happened here yet, so my response was along the lines of isn't that for the police to investigate not an unqualified investigator being a nurse to determine? I did not know George prior to this incident, but due to this, I will never forget him or what happened. This story and others like it really drive home the importance of patient advocacy, assessment skills and precise and timely documentation, and most importantly the reporting procedures and the reviewing of them when clearly as in this case they are not followed or are inadequate. I think the most troubling thing about this whole thing to me is that if the QLD Nursing Board see fit to reprimand the offender, why couldn't the legal system see his wrongdoing? If he has to do courses on professional ethics and patient rights whilst suspended for 2 years, maybe there are charges of breaches relating to this along the lines of breaches to human rights? I do not have a law degree, but surely there is some sort of charge the police or legal system should have filed?
To the person who continues to post personal, derogatory, untrue comments about those supporting SING and the rights of the elderly:
Several days ago I wrote asking to know about the alleged sexual abuse of seven residents in Ebbtide House and also what allegedly happened to Muriel Gardner, but I received no answer, so once again, could you please tell me what allegedly happened
ReplyDeletePlease watch the Network Ten footage - Saturday 29 January 2011 regarding the answer to the seven female residents and the article Probe at Eventide Sunday 7 November 2010 for the answer to your second question. If you care to read through the older SING posts you will find more answers to you questions. The 3 assaults of the mental health patients by the registered nurse were reported to the DON by myself. After the registered nurse was interviewed by the Queensland Police Service - some 10 months later - she was subsequently reported to the relevant nursing body by the QPS. She was suspended for 2 years and was later dismissed by Queensland Health. The AIN involved allegedly received disciplinary action.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a written submission to the Davies Inquiry November 2005. The Office of The Public Advocate requested that I write a submission after interviewing me in their office.
I am happy to meet with you and give you a copy of this document.
As expected, no comment to this offer of a meeting to receive the requested submission.
ReplyDeleteI am one of George Hadgkiss's Grandchildren. I want to say that I miss him and love him. It is really hard to think about what happened. I have lost all of my grandparents now over the years. When I think about each one of my grandparents I have wonderful happy memories. But I find it hard to think about my Granddad George because there will always be the pain of what happened to him. I agree that this violence should not happen to anyone. We have a lifetime of grief and the offender has what, nothing? M.
I have no need to meet with you as I have spoken to an RN and others not directly invoved, but who worked in the Unit at the time of your allegations. I have more faith in them telling me the truth than I have in you telling the truth. The saddest thing about your blog site is how many people are actualy taken in by your lies and deceit and any posts that tells the truth about you are not posted. Not that it really matters because we, i.e. those of us who know the truth about you are all having a great laugh because you thought you had Queensland Health by the balls but it all blew up in your face and you got sacked.
ReplyDeleteObviously this person is very much a follower of Eventide rumor and gossip. He/she hides behind anonymity and does not have the fortitude to meet with someone willing to show her proven evidence of wrongdoing. Perhaps documented proof is too much for her him/her to handle. The saddest thing about this comment is that they have no understanding of what a Public Interest Disclosure to the Crime and Misconduct Commission means.
ReplyDeleteI hope you continue to enjoy your laugh at my expense and that you are never put in the same position. You sound like someone who would not handle adversity very well.
Your reply regarding the amount of those, you say, have been taken in by this website is interesting. The people who contact me through this website are those interested in aged care and the plight of Public Interest Whistleblowers. They are overseas academics, reporters, journalists, lawyers, PHD students, TV producers, ethics teachers and those with family members in nursing homes etc. None of them appear to think my evidence is all deceit and lies.
The nasty remarks that are not published appear to come from those disgruntled Eventide employees who do not seem to have anything constructive to say - except to denigrate myself.
So my advice to you is - if you think this website is so deceitful and filled with so many lies - stop viewing it and spend more time laughing about my termination of employment with your Eventide friends.
Anonymous, disparaging comments will not be published. SING occasionally receives comments that are just malicious venting. They are NEVER accompanied with a name. In other words, they can say whatever derogatory statement they like without ever having to reveal their evidence. This is a cowards' way to present information to the general public.
ReplyDeleteAny evidence on this website has my name attached to it as I am not afraid to speak out in the public interest.
To the person who has been emailing this website - YOU ARE A COWARD! YOU KNOW WHO I AM BUT YOU NEVER REVEAL YOURSELF FOR ME TO RESPOND FAIRLY. The Australian adage is - A GUTLESS WONDER - I believe.
We can only hope that you are not an aged care worker caring for any of our vulnerable, elderly or disabled citizens. God help them if you are.
To the anonymous one that speaks to RN's and listens to gossip. Which case are you referring to? A DVD don't lie and Karen has court documentation to back her and has journalist still ringing her.
ReplyDeleteThank God for people like Karen who support the aged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the anonymous poster, Karen has better things to do than put up rubbish evidence. She fights for justice for our elderly. Go get yourself a life loser, laugh as you will at her, at least she can sleep at night.
I cant believe the rubbish Im reading. This woman is telling the trust about how disgusting Eventide is . Our father 76 years was murdered at Eventide nursing home 29 Aug 2011 . Eventide nurses failed to give our diabetic father Actrapid insulin as instructed bother verbally and in writing as EVENTIDE NURSING HOME RAN OUT OF ACTRAPID INSULIN !1 Also Eventide nursing home also failed to call for a QAS ambulance as per written referral and instructions Doctor.As a result Nick DAPONTES our father died early at age 76 yrs old. And if you think we made this up dream family members documented this whole thing and were there in person.They murdered our father . This is gross criminal negligence
TO THE ENROLLED NURSE WHO ADVISED DAPONTES family was escorted from prince charles . Give me your name so we can press crimina charges against you. For your information your a loser and misfit of socirty . we are all working and some of us work in very good jobs as you are fully aware. By the way we know who you are and your the LOSER not us . Also itsx interesting how you failed to not print the truth . Tell the truth and say how prince charles doctor got our father aged 76 years old bashed up by 6 security guards. We have the video footage to prove it and will provide it to SING for all to see .
Dapontes Family
ReplyDeleteSING is an exposure website. Please forward the video footage and it will be added to the rest of the compelling evidence collected over the last couple of years. Genuine evidence that is in the public interest is always welcome. My email address is on the right of SING's website with my profile. Please email me and we can arrange to meet.
The Dapontes family deny all false, malscious, vexatious, false complaints made without merit or substance that the Dapontes family was escorted on numerous occasions from Prince Charles for making threats to staff. This is one big lie and we deny it strenously.
ReplyDeleteTo Sing and the public , the Dapontes family is in possession of numerous video tapes , numerous photos and lots of evidence but upon legal advise, has been advised not to make it public yet , as a current coronial investigation is being done by the Office of the State Coroner into the death of Nick Dapontes 29 August 2011, who was a resident of Eventide nursing home.
ReplyDeleteSING wishes you and your family all the best with the investigation. When the time comes for your family to make it public perhaps SING may be of help. It is only through action and exposure that the general public are made aware of cases like Nick Dapontes and others cited on SING's website. Some in positions of power will go to great lengths to 'Shoot the Messenger' but they do not always succeed.
please view courier mail news paper article called Dapontes Family takes action over hospital death . This is about Nick Dapontes who died 29 August 2011.
ReplyDeleteTo relatives of Nick Dapontes I am very sorry for your family, I have viewed courier mail article thank god you are not putting this under the carpet because the pile is getting high. I worked at Eventide so whats new the management they cover up things. Bureaucrats need listen to staff and whistle Blowers like Tony Hoffman and Karen Smith, they told the truth. Even with a video of George justice didn't get done. Age care need more staff so people can give better care. Staff have got to stop turning a blind eye. People pay good money to be in these nursing homes.
ReplyDeleteA Queensland health worker
As a health worker I saw few or more unjustified cases, but I am more curious of how this particular case of an RN who had assulted a resident in this aged care facility.If this RN had beed brought to court and " found not guilty" hence that the victim had passed away already the case cannot be justified!! There is no case!!Some cases of pts. given "wrong dose or medication " this nurses are not published on the net, and not been cruicified by your website there are actual murderers who are better off than this RN who had been discriminated by your website.I always believed that everyone had karma in life.... specialy those who are very vendictive.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously have not read the 7 page decision nor have you read properly the other serious cases on this website.
ReplyDeleteThis RN did appear in the Sandgate Magistrates Court in the first instance, as stated in the newspaper articles. I should know I was there. Even after George's death, the DPP still had the matter in train due to the determination of one of his daughters. So therefore there was still a case, even after he had passed away. As for your other comments comparing 'wrong dose or medication' (I assume you mean leading to death) are you seriously suggesting that a genuine drug error is the equivalent to the deliberate assault and grievous bodily harm on a vulnerable, elderly man? I suggest that before you can make another comment you should at least read the evidence thoroughly. Perhaps start with the oldest posts and go from there.
As to the health worker I think this man should be named, I was in the court room at Sandgate. He is a large fit man who punched a old man in the jaw and broke it perhaps you need to look closely at the video. I would not want this man nursing me or my family would you. Just because a person dies does not mean justice should not be served. We are not talking medication maybe karma might bite you for being so ignorant.
ReplyDeleteHaha love the comment about wrong meds....a real nurse makes a med error, phones the doctor immediately and self reports, there is no malice intended, they feel terrible about it, fill in incident forms and rectify it as best they can, this is non intentional, but to punch and old man in the face.....come on now, thats just pathetic, don't ever compare the two again, and if the punch was reaction, why didnt the nurse seft report, contact the family and let them know and get the immediate medical attention required for the poor old bugger. And i can say, if the bastard entered the room on myself or my family member in the hospital I would be demanding another nurse, thank god that i am not elderly and have the ability to do this.
ReplyDeleteWhat ever is going on? I came across this site during some "nursing ethics" research. I have yet to go beyond the first page. Reading the posts, and yes I have read the back ground, I feel there is some kind of witch hunt going on. Has anyone stopped to think? This nurse is a human being, a man that most probably has a family, who made an error. An error that took a split second. Here, 8 years later his error is being publicly discussed in the most disparaging terms.
ReplyDeleteDisregarding all the assumptions, omitting the emotional rants of the family.....I fail to know what they really seek to achieve. Ignoring the hearsay evidence......the prompting in the video is so blatant, what is really left?
I was taught it is unethical for a health care employee to work in the same place as a relative as the inference of favoritism, a la discrimination is afforded. Would the furor be so vindictive if the relative had not been an employee.
I have not read one word of intent. This makes me very afraid that even the smallest mishap by a dedicated nurse could have serious consequences many years later.
As in all walks of life there are rogue employees but I am disgusted at so called nurses turned on one of their own. However are the blinkered hunters professional nurses?............I think and hope not.
To this nursing ethics student: You state words such as 'I have not read one word of intent' and 'the smallest mishap'. Are you serious? If you have researched this case as you said you have then you obviously missed the newspaper article which states:
ReplyDeleteBeard said Hughes-Fischer recounted the incident to her, saying he told Hadgkiss: "If you do that again I'll kill you".
Hardly the communication of a professional nurse to an elderly, vulnerable resident. I suggest that you research your subject much better next time especially if you are going to write an ethics paper. You would not pass.
To Chris M RN
ReplyDeleteThreats sent to me will not be published. My advice to you is that when you threaten someone with dire consequences for speaking out, you are no better than a criminal or a thug. If you have irrefutable evidence disputing documents on this website - please send them to SING and they will be published.
I may also add that I do not take threats lightly as you may have seen on other posts reported on this website.
Karen Maree Smith
SING and Whistleblowing Women
ReplyDeleteDid the good student miss that?
Julie ... a real RN
It is not unethical to work in the same unit as a family member, it may be unfavorable, but as I know from working in rural remote care, it can sometimes be unavoidable. The video was not prompted, ans I put it to you that X Rays can not be falsified as seen in the video, however I will mention that they did go missing. If justice was served we would not be discussing this issue now, and this is not the only case on this website. I think you are missing the whole point of this site, it is to discuss real issues that are relevant and not dealt with adequately.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThe last two comments to SING have not been published. There is no proof that the anonymous person commenting is in fact the daughter of David Hughes-Fischer.
ReplyDeleteYou are a very sad person, Karen. You have continually attacked David HughesFisher, and he has never been given the chance to defend himself. It's well known amongst the nursing community, that you have deleted many emails defending David. The only ones that you place on your so called site, are rubbish that supports your views. David has many close colleagues amongst the nursing profession, who are all aware on the contrition that he feels. As for what was supposedly said by David to nurse Beard meant nothing because it was well known that she was a thief in hiding of person's belongings at Sandgate. Never proved but highly suspected as was the rubbish that you print. I know the daughter of George Hodgkiss, and will tell her of me placing this comment on site which will not be published.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously have not viewed the video taken by friends of George Hadgkiss and in which one of his daughters appears.
You have obviously not read the 7 page report regarding this case.
You have obviously not read the many comments on this page.
You were obviously not present at the Sandgate Magistrates Court when George's case was being heard.
You were obviously not informed by George's daughters that they were both present at my home when interviewed by a reporter from the Northside Chronicle. You were obviously not informed by his daughters of their desperate need for someone to help them bring this matter to the attention of the public. If one his daughters chooses to rewrite history after the event, then that is for her to decide.
I think that it is you who are a very sad person, Alain. As you have verbally attacked me without full knowledge of the real facts of this case; I would suggest this lack of the facts makes you appear biased and ignorant.
As this website is dedicated to two former, deceased residents of Eventide, Sandgate, your personal tirade against me will not matter one iota.
I have viewed the dvd taken by the family, and Mr Hodgkiss was coerced into giving answers during the interview by what was told by the interviewer. He hardly answered any answers by his own violition. It's clearly a set up. As for being at Sandgate court house, I was there also, and David Hughes-Fischer is clearly a large solidly built man. If he had "punched" Mr Hodgkiss as per the claims, then a much more severe fracture and tissue injury would have occurred. You can argue as much as you want, but I work in the orthopaedic nursing field, and without being rude, know a great deal more than you.
ReplyDeleteIt's very strange how comments that refutes sing's are not published, particularly when you cannot justify certain facts. You believe that you know all of the case, but that's plain rubbish for I worked with the defendant for quite a while, and he showed compassion, empathy and wonderful nursing skills. It appears that vendettas by yourself and AHPRA have destroyed a once good nursing career.
ReplyDeleteThe very fact that your comments have been published disprove your statement. The person who interviewed George Hadgkiss was his own daughter. Are you accusing her of a set up? Are you accusing the Queensland Police Service of also setting up David Hughes-Fischer? Are you accusing AHPRA of a set up.
ReplyDeleteAre you accusing George's friends (responsible for the video) of setting him up.
I would suggest that it is you who do not have all the facts and you need to rethink your defence of the actions of David Hughes-Fischer against George Hadkiss.
Further to this comment above; Alain are you accusing the Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal (QCAT) of setting up David Hughes-Fischer?
ReplyDeleteAre you accusing the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia ( Applicant/Appellant) of setting up David Hughes-Fischer?
Please read the 7 page report on SING's website as you obviously are not as informed as you may think.
As for the video clearly shows and the report states:
A non-displaced fracture of the right angle of the mandible;
A displaced left body of mandible fracture;
Reduced sensation in the inferior alveolar nerve (numbness in the lower lip and chin);
Swelling in the left side mandible (bottom jaw); and,
Sublingual (beneath the tongue) haematoma (bruising).
It also states as you so clearly pointed out; Mr Hughes-Fischer was then a 51 year old man and the physical discrepancy between the two was substantial and,
Nurse responded physically - where elderly patient sustained serious injury etc.
Perhaps with all of your knowledge in the orthopaedic nursing field and knowing so much more that me, you think you can justify your comments. But I have a feeling many others reading this website would not agree with your statements of 18 th August regarding the seriousness of George Hadgkiss's injuries.
There may be many others as you say, who would not agree with me with my comments, but then they are not persons who work in orthopaedic nursing. Of course, if you sustain a jaw fracture, there is soft tissue injury with resultant short to medium term nerve impediment, but the point that it is well known is someone of the physical stature of David Hughes-Fischer would have caused far more significant damage to both bone and soft tissue if struck with significant force. And yes, because of your Sing site and continuous words and comments against David Hughes-Fischer, as they state in the classics, if enough mud is thrown then unfortunately some mud will stick. AHPRA appeared to continue a vendetta against David Hughes-Fischer, long after the case was terminated. I agree that what David Hughes-Fischer did in causing an injury was never justifiable but there were no witnesses to the event, and yet your site has never stopped attacking a nurse who made an error of judgement, one moment in a nursing career. That's all.
ReplyDeleteNo witnesses to the event!!! Wasn't George Hadgkiss a witness? Although you dismiss the video posted on SING - others did not. It is feasible perhaps that some authorities became aware of the video through SING
ReplyDeletelong after George's assault. Perhaps they did not dismiss his own videoed evidence as easily as you have in you comments.
I would like you to note that until YOU commented recently, no comments have been posted regarding this case since September 2013 - almost two years ago.
Alain I am the owner of the video, I recorded the video on the daughter's request due to the police being a bit slow to interview George. The daughter and some of the family was present. The police have viewed the DVD. I was also at Sandgate court supporting the daughter, yes you are right Mr Fisher is a big man and also was fit. I gave him an elder abuse pamphlet that was laying in the courthouse. He could have done a lot more damage but he could have stepped to the right or walked away, instead he punched a old man. You are the one raising this issue not Karen. Written by Howard