Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SING SUPPORT GROUP members make official complaints of REPRISAL to the Queensland Police Service.

SING SUPPORT GROUP members have made official complaints to the Queensland Police Service against Queensland Health Senior public officers and Eventide, Brighton management. REPRISAL against protected Whistleblowers, if proven, is an indictable offence.

More information and evidence to be posted shortly.


  1. Maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Hope these people in management positions are made accountable after all.. We hope and pray for our frail and aged.. God willing there will be justice..

  2. Just - actuated by truth, justice and lack of bias, based on right lawful, tue and correct.
    Thus far in my experience of many years of aged care - there is no such word as just.
    The Department are investigating the mice plague in Dalby ( which happens every year).
    Do mice chew humans or was it a rat with bigger teeth?
    They also investigated the complaints about multiple presure areas in a close by facility where residents deaths were a result of major cavity presure areas.
    At one point in time this facility had 19 presure areas - DOHA believed management to have addressed the problem with reasonable management action.
    Meanwhile the residents are suffering and dying of lack of care based on reduced staffing hours, poor skill mix and management who focus on the bottom line not the resident's rights to comfort and care.
    Aged care is not about care anymore, it is all about the bottom line.

  3. I to as karen will never return to Eventide
    and not through choice
    10 months of hell at the hands of MANAGEMENT
    you should all feel very ashamed
    your lies misconduct and disgusting treatment
    of credible staff whom fought to protect our
    elderley the cover up is now about to explode
    reprisal is a criminal offence and if the shoe fits wear it
