Thursday, October 18, 2012

Northside nursing home faces axe. Eventide to lose residential aged care - Bramble and Flinders houses to go.


  1. What is really going on here?? Are they closing down beds, moving bed numbers to another facility or are they selling the beds off to Non-Governement Agencies?? I can't imagine beds just disapearing with the lengthy waiting lists for beds statewide.

  2. Well Aged Care is a mess the closing of Eventide is no great loss to the residents. The residents will get better care else where as Eventide have swept a lot of abuse under the carpet. A lot of the staff didn't speak out and the Unit Mangers knew also about the abuse so karma's a bitch and comes around and bites. Ouch! Cheryl

  3. The pay in some non government sector aged facililities is terrible........

  4. I agree, they should just get rid of the staff and start again. I feel for the residents, its hard enough going into a facility in the first place, loss, change ect., but to have to go through it all again....thats just not fair on them.

  5. Yes - close the hellhole down then burn the place to the ground with the corrupt and cruel QLD Health staff who made so many lives miserable and extinct. The caring loving staff will find work in other facilites where this behaviour is not tolerated.Transfer the residents to loving well managed facilities where they can live their final years with out fear of abuse or starvation. Robyn.

  6. Anonymous oct19 2012
    If it is only about the pay - get out of hte industry.What about apin and suffering day after day with no choice or decision making?

  7. How on earth can the accreditation agency and the Complaints Investigation Commission turn a blind eye to the abuse that happenens at Eventide. The best way to deal with it is to close it down and allow the residents to be placed in well run facilities that shows real care and respect for the residents. The good caring staff will have no problems in finding work.

  8. To Anonymous Oct 26
    I agree with your comments about the Complaints Commission, however its the uprooting of the residents that is of concern. Why not just have a mass sacking of all the hangeroner staff that have been just collecting the paychecks as mentioned above that arn't thinking about the cultural impact about moving and changing there day to lives and losing friends and stability and a sense of belonging. At the end of the day though, it is sad for the caring staff that remain, however many of them have been pushed out already by the bulling culture that runs so deep within eventide already, but still, some very good peoplke do remain and they do have bills to pay also. This QLD Government should be ashamed of themselves, I bet none of their relatives reside at Eventide...
