Why has this case taken so long to be addressed? This case goes back to last year. It is only on Thursday this week that the protected Whistleblower will be able present credible and significant evidence, to prove her case against Eventide management. Reprisal and victimisation of a protected Whistleblower is a very serious offence.
And why Premier, has LKA Group's private investigator - paid for by the taxpayer - lied in his report about the Whistleblower he was investigating? This report which was finalised in September 2008?. Tape recorded proof available proving two claims made by this investigator to be absolutely false. Email regarding this matter will be posted soon.
And why Premier, does Queensland Health refuse to release the Corporate Success Group's report - paid for by the taxpayer - to the three complainants? IS IT TOO DAMNING? SING has evidence that many were not interviewed by the investigator. Perhaps they had too much evidence! The first investigator was inexplicably removed. PERHAPS HE WAS GETTING TOO CLOSE TO THE TRUTH!
Why is it Premier, that when this protected Whistleblower or others present at the CMC or Queensland Health headquarters they are restricted to only one support person? SING knows of no such policy; indeed SING has asked for a copy of this policy many times and we receive no credible answer. The same restriction has not been placed on Queensland Health, there are four to attend so far for Queensland Health. They appear to be able to have as many as they see fit. This unequal distribution appears to be deliberate. SING is informed that this ploy is often used on staff at Eventide. Staff are summoned to the office where a number of management appear. The staff member is basically ambushed, intimidated and bullied. Is this why staff are restricted to only one support person, Premier?
Some of the evidence so far:
The Director-General was informed of this case in early September 2008.
Evidence that staff had reported this abusive Assistant in Nursing (AIN) long before the Whistleblower.
Proof that the Department of Health and Ageing were informed of the abuse in September.
Proof that Queensland Health refused to meet with the Whistleblower in September 2008.
Proof that the Whistleblower and others provided credible evidence to Eventide management which was ignored.
Proof that the DoHA contacted Eventide's Director of Nursing on the 25 September 2008 and informed her that serious abuse had been reported.
Proof that last year, one meeting arranged with the CMC was inexplicably cancelled and and another was postponed. The matter was once again passed back by the CMC to Queensland Health to investigate. And the list goes on.
It is the protected Whistleblower, Premier, who was informed by the Crime and Misconduct Commission that she had been victimised. It is the protected Whistleblower, after her Public Interest Disclosure (PID) to the CMC on the 31 October 2008 and gaining protected Whistleblower status, who has received no work from Eventide's Workforce since.
The protected Whistleblower along with a SING SUPPORT GROUP member, a recently dismissed Whistleblower and former Queensland Health employee, will present to the CMC headquarters on Thursday to prove misconduct by Eventide management in this serious case.
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