In the file note above are the types of allegations a Whistleblower can expect to have made against them.
Just click on the document to view the complaints.
These allegations had no other substance: no times - no dates - no proof. The Whistleblower had to seek legal advice on the matter to protect her employment. After many weeks of distress for the Whistleblower - these serious allegations were withdrawn.
Has the Whistleblower received an apology from all complainants concerned in this file note? NO!
Has the Whistleblower been given any more details of the allegations? NO!
Was there ever any truth in any of the allegations? NO!
Was the Whistleblower ever informed that there were any issues to address? NO!
Did these allegations take almost two months to surface? YES!
Does the Whistleblower have proof that Senior management encouraged these complainants to make these allegations against her? YES!
The Whistleblower is now in the process of making a complaint to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission against Eventide management and Queensland Health for their mishandling of these trumped up complaints.
The primary complainant now receives - as a reward - set days off. This is contrary to the Award and the Certified Agreement.
Another Whistleblower (Casual) has had similar accusations made against her by unnamed complainants. Since her disclosure to management of sexual, psychological and physical abuse of aged care residents by a staff member, she has received no further work at Eventide. Her story will be published very shortly.
Watch this space for more evidence of trumped up charges. One complaint was actually noted that the Whistleblower was guilty of the alleged habit of "Slurping her beverages loudly". Now that should warrant a criminal offence charge.
Learn just how easy it is to defame and discredit a genuine Whistleblower.
When Whistleblowers are directed to show - cause, they will not be able to bring any witnesses who may have proof of their innocence. They will not be able to have present, anyone who may have evidence of any kind. They will not be able to bring more than one support person to any meeting. They will be investigated by private companies provided for at the tax payers expense, with terms of reference deliberately so narrow that they will not be able to defend themselves. If they are public sector aged care employees, the Crime and Misconduct Commission will almost certainly refer their Public Interest Disclosure back to Queensland Health to investigate. If they receive threatening legal letters, they will usually be given 14days in which to respond; never mind that the employer can delay an investigation for many months or years if they so choose.
Unscrupulous people who make up serious allegations against the Whistleblower - will never be held to account - even when they withdraw the allegations. In fact, some will be rewarded by management for their input. This may be in the form of remuneration by roster manipulation, choice of set days off, increasing hours, receiving overtime etc.
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ReplyDeleteAnother one of my posts removed....at least I can see that I must have made some impact...as the paragraph relating to the Award and Certified Agreement have been removed....I suggest the next time any reference is made to the Award...make sure you check the FACTS first.
ReplyDeleteNo problem with posting the comment, but the post needs to be truthful and accurate. Staff who are granted special requests have to receive these shift changes which ultimately involves their colleagues. Staff on the receiving end often lose income. This problem was a topic of conversation at many Eventide meetings. Years ago, the Director of Nursing could not understand why rostering was such a huge problem at Eventide. It was suggested way back then, that we were all adults capable of working out our own rostering problems. This included the ability to mutual with colleagues.
ReplyDeleteThe roster that is posted should not only be fair and equitable, it should be seen to be fair and equitable. If special requests are needed why can't staff mutual with each other? We are all adults and do not need the intervention of management to mutual. Of course, to my knowledge, the award states that 10 consecutive shifts may be worked, but I would suggest that until all staff at Eventide have to do this, management will be seen to be showing favourtism. Give all staff a fair rotation to work, whether part- time or full - time, whether backward or forward rotation, and the staff can be antonymous adults.
The FACTS are that Eventide rostering rorting is being investigated by entities outside of Eventide. These investigations have nothing to do with the Award or Certified Agreements. They have to do with favouritism, cronyism, nepotism, bullying and intimidation. There is also ample evidence being provided to SING that this is true and correct. THESE ARE THE FACTS.
Please forgive me as I misspelt autonomous. I do not think that makes anyone in any way ignorant or uneducated. Perhaps it is not that important when trying to get out an important message. The most compelling documents in SING's possession often have spelling mistakes, but the message is loud and clear.
ReplyDeleteThe QNU, together with the AWU is in consultation with Eventide Management attempting to workout a new rostering system to used Eventide wide.
ReplyDeleteIf these investigations have nothing to do with the the Award and Certified Agreement, then why were they even mentioned? Was it because it would add extra impact to the statement, was it to make it look as though Eventide Management knowingly went against the Award to give some Nurses special treatment.
I called you ignorant for your mispelling and lack of understanding of the English language because I was called ignorant by you, when your comment inferred I supported the use of force when using interventions. Again you have shown your ignorance by missing the point of my second comment, or perhaps it is just plain ARROGANCE, maybe you are just deliberately missing the point.
As for my first post....it was truthful and accurate, I stated that it is not against the Award or Certified Agreement to work a fixed roster.....I then copied and pasted the relevent section from EB6 as agreed to by the Union and QHealth.
ReplyDeleteCould you perhaps point out to me where the inaccuracies are.
We are allowed to mutual, at level, this has always been allowed during my time at Eventide.
And as I have stated elsewhere the QNU and AWU are currently working with management on a new rotational roster.
Evidence of roster anomalies at Eventide have been given to investigators. Queensland Health was directed by the Crime and Misconduct Commission to investigate these serious matters when they were brought to the CMC's attention in October 2007. Other witnesses are waiting to give their evidence. SING also has copies of this evidence and is receiving more each day.
ReplyDeletePlease be advised that the only comments posted from SING are with the SING headings. Any other comments are from other interested parties.